bundle exec pod install error

Rathish Kannan
2 min readNov 10, 2021


bundle exec pod install
  • Returns below error
Could not find unf_ext-0.0.8 in any of the sources

Before jumping on to solution, let’s what’s bundle & why we need them ?

  • What are the advantages of performing `pod install` vs `bundle exec pod install`
  • what is bundler ?


  • Bundler creates a consistent application environment for your application, by allowing you to specify the version of libraries.
  • We took this idea almost whole-sale for CocoaPods. You define a Gemfile that says what libraries you want to include, and can optionally specify a version or range.
  • You run bundle install and it will generate a Gemfile.lock (similar to Podfile.lock)saying the exact version of all of your libraries and then anyone else running bundle install with that project gets the exact same versions.
  • Bundler will generate Gemfile.lock, whose purpose is pretty similar to Podfile.lock in cocoapods universe. Actually, Podfile / Podfile.lock and the whole cocoapods concept was strongly inspired by bundler and rubygems, so historically they were in place even earlier
  • Read more here

advantages of using bundle exec pod install

  1. Consistency across all your environments — development, staging, production, whatever more you have. Bundler gives your a guarantee, that software that worked on your environment will work on remote environment sharing the same Gemfile and Gemfile.lock (so in case it’s not yet obvious commit them to your version control)
  2. Easy versions change. Playgrounds not working with cocoapods 1.5.2?
    gem "cocoapods", "1.4.0", bundle install, bundle exec pod install, Cmd+B
    Wanna check whether project works on cocoapods-prerelease? gem "cocoapods", "1.5.0.beta.1". Issue arised on a latest fastlane? gem "fastlane", "2.94.0"
  3. In advance to p.1, you and your project fellows stop fighting pod install diffs from different cocoapods versions, just because you share Gemfile / Gemfile.lock and have the same development environment.


Could not find unf_ext-0.0.8 in any of the sources
  • Install bundle without production
bundle install --without production
  • If you get error still as below;
An error occurred while installing unf_ext (0.0.8), and Bundler cannot continue.
Make sure that `gem install unf_ext -v '0.0.8' --source 'https://rubygems.org/'` succeeds before bundling.
  • Install missing coreutils
brew install coreutils
  • Additionally, you might still get Gem::FilePermissionError
While executing gem ... (Gem::FilePermissionError)
You don't have write permissions for the /Library/Ruby/Gems/2.6.0 directory.
  • Install bundler at `/usr/local/opt/ruby/bin`
sudo gem install -n /usr/local/bin bundler

